The “EX” Factor

No it’s not the X Factor; I’m not going to rave on about the entertaining super powers of somebody on a TV Show. I’m talking about the “EX” Factor, yep that Back In The Day, was, former, no longer Factor, and the fact it’s hard for some people sometimes to take or get they no longer have the X factor, it’s now?, “EX” Factor!
“Ex” Champion, very sad in movies, usually they are portrayed as some old bloke, with a big beer belly, smashed up nose, cauliflower ears, talking like Rocky. They are normally in a scene where they are reminiscing about the last fight with some guy named, “Pretty Boy” or “The Destroyer” and as they tell the story they are ducking and weaving their heads, throwing left and right jabs. The story will usually end up with them taking some Picture with a stranger, posing with a clenched fist. When it’s done, the “Ex” Champ will simply turn around, look into his glass and wait for another moment to share stories of Back in the day.
Being in the “EX” category is not just for Broken nose boxers, stuffed knee footballers, blown shoulder base ballers, former Teen Idols. The “EX” category is a place where even us mere mortals can ourselves living or retiring.
Yep, sooner or later you can find yourself becoming an “EX” Employee, Ex Friend, Ex-Partner, Ex-lover,Ex Husband or Wife and when the “Ex” moment comes around you may even find it a little hard to EXist!
The worst part of being an EX? Accepting that you are one.
You know what I’m talking about. The EX Housemate that turns up every weekend looking for that long lost thingy that are sure they left at your house, the EX Employee that continually sends emails to former workmates to find out, “Who’s doing what with whom” to keep up with the gossip.
The EX Lover who seems to think that EX has limitations and calls you when they are drunk or lonely just to, “Have a talk” but in reality what they really want is…
The EX Husband or Wife whose favorite quote is, “I know you better than they do”.
The “EX” can just be annoying until they turn into a, “Y” and then of a sudden it can be a game hanger, the” Y” brings out all kinds of nasty things and sooner or later you could be confronted with, “EX” pictures in private places, text messages you forgot you sent. Emails that were surely marked confidential seem to turn up in everybody else’s in box or worse you see and read them all on Face Book.
Yep, the EX Factor is a tough place for some. Just like the ex-boxer who wants to sit in a bar and share his stories with anybody that will listen, the EX Factor Victims are just waiting for another soul to share their misery or sob story or worse they are sitting and plotting how to create misery or tears for others.
Wouldn’t it be great if the “EX” factor was really like the X Factor? Wouldn’t it be great if there was a winner and a loser and everybody accepted that and went on to make a whole new series with a whole new cast and contestants next year?
Well sadly, those that don’t accept they are now the “EX” Factor, tend to like having a Series run over and over n cable TV, and if they are really nasty? It might even end up on my!
These are Hodgies Words.
Big Hugs and Love to Ya

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